Wednesday, 16 July 2014

The Endgame: Borderlands 2

Despite it being released 2 years ago, I have just recently finished playing Borderlands 2 and it's still safe to say it's one of the most fun games you can pick up, at least until the Pre-Sequel comes out.

So if for some reason you have never heard of Borderlands. Firstly, how the fuck have you managed to do that, and secondly it's a FPSRPG (First Person Shooter Role Playing Game)... or something... where you kill stuff and LOOT EVERYTHING. Seriously, I find that most of the fun I've had from Borderlands 2 has been from searching (for) chests for the rarest loot and that little feeling you get when you kill a boss and you see the coloured beams from everything he dropped and just have that tiny hope that maybe, just maybe one of those items is a super mega ultra rare orange item! Unfortunately this is a feeling you can only really understand when you've actually played the game so go out and buy it! Sure I've been complained at because of this slow 'LOOT EVERYTHING' playstyle, and yes going out of my way to open a cardboard box which will probably just contain ammo I never use (Fuck shotguns) is OTT, but in Borderlands 2 it can generally be excused, it has something like 72 billion randomly generated guns and you never really know when you'll find one you like more than your current one. Nothing stopping you from just rushing through the game though, except maybe being alone or underleveled against rocket using enemies, even when your friend has been spamming shift keys and grinding bosses to get you the best items the sight of an RPG Loader is enough to make you run away. NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE.
This chest is apparently the Borderlands equivalent of Heaven
I've played all the Borderlands 2 classes now and I can firstly say that the least fun class is Gunzerker, his special ability lets you dual wield, sure you can dual wield whatever you want, but it's still shit.
if you don't have any friends, I wouldn't recommend the Siren or the Assassin, both of them because of just how hard most bosses will screw them over, most bosses are too big for the Siren to lock in a bubble, and if the Assassin wants to do damage he has to either stay back and snipe while nobody distracts the equivalent of an entire army from you, or you need to be right in front of the massive 'fuck off' boss spamming melee while the same thing is going on (i.e: die and use your invulnerability while bleeding out to hopefully get a kill and revive, rinse and repeat until you actually die or there are no enemies left)
Otherwise if you're looking to have the most fun I recommend you try the DLC characters, The mechromancer never gets old summoning a robot dealing potentially the highest damage in the game and having the ability to blast people into a burst of lightening! Epilepsy sufferers be warned, you will get such a high playing this class! Alternatively if you're like the friend I played through with and may as well be a psycho(pathic) killer then the Psycho class is for you! The point is literally to set yourself on fire and make ribbons out of your enemies for your next red and soggy themed birthday party. Honestly it's all preference, but for the love of God don't play Gunzerker.
Yes! Laugh! Laugh at my Godlike shittiness!
But the end game though? It's good, really. The final boss(es) felt somewhat easy thanks to my friend's overuse of shift keys and orange farming but it's still totally badass, and I've not even mentioned Terramorphous the Invincible. I've always know about Terra being the biggest raidboss of Borderlands 2 and I've always wanted to fight him, so when we finished are normal run through I decided "Hey let's go fight Terra!" Long story short a giant fucking tentacle monster erupted out the ground and proceeded to rape us in every way imaginable until we eventually emerged in some images on Pandorian Pornhub, but I was still smiling all the way through my punishment for being so innocent.
Would usually refrain from taking pictures like this off Google so people can't chase me for copyright, but this picture wins the award for defining the mighty Terra
TL;DR: LOOT. Fuck the Gunzerker.

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